Monday, 1 October 2012

what to cliam

Hello I am back again i just remembered that you must claim any of the following. 
Credit cards
Store cards

If you have any of the above please visit martin lewis websites or money supermarket websites to find the forms, or if you don't have much time visit the local shopping centre where you can find some ppi reclaim agents, they will take a percentage but some percentage is better than nothing.

OMG PPI is still going strong

Hello guys just to give you all a heads up, Payment protection insurance is still going strong. I have many friends who work for and they have been having tremendous success  The whole sales force are have more clients than ever this is because so many of you have managed to claim excellent amounts of compensation. Recently we had a lady named Sue and she had a credit card with llyods tsb which she owed them over £1000 and she was due £600 in compensation which was paid directly to her and not on the credit card as it was in a debt collector agency. None of the claiming companies know when this deadline is, so please put your claim in as you never know you may relieve a nice healthy Christmas bonus.